mTransport Pilot Project : the best way to assess the benefits and changes of modernizing your operations


mTransport Pilot Project : the best way to assess the benefits and changes of modernizing your operations

Are your operations still relying on paper?
Are you about to renew your agreements with school bus operators?
Are you planning to replace/install GPS or other bus tracking tools?

It may be time to update your business and accelerate its digital transformation. Why not take the opportunity to try mTransport with no commitment or obligation ? This is the most effective way to learn how to operate digitally and to develop your own vision for your digital operations.

You don’t need to be digital adepts to try mTransport. You don’t have to change any system. If you have a route planning system, mTransport will use data from that system. If you don’t, we’ll start from whatever tool or list you already use.

Our pilot project offer is an all-inclusive turn-key package at a very low cost. We take care of everything. We provide devices, the training and all the support required to benefit from all the features of the mTransport portal, Drivers’ app and Parents’ app. We usually propose a trial with 15 buses for 3 months but it can obviously be adapted to your situation. There is no commitment. Such a project will provide you with a practical learning experience that will help you precisely envision the best path to the digital era for your organization.

Do not hesitate to contact us. It will be our pleasure to learn about your current challenges and to answer all of your questions.
We look forward to hearing from you soon!